Tuesday, July 19, 2011

As the deer...

The morning is quiet, filled only with the chirping of crickets and the trilling of the birds. Occasionally, in the distance, I can hear the noise of a vehicle as it passes along the distant highway bound for destinations unknown. Despite the heatwave that we are mired in, the morning is pleasant with a barely perceptible breeze offering a too intermittent caress on my face.

The peaceful time of reflection on my deck is interrupted only by the air conditioner turning on as it cools the house. In the serene stillness I discover that, as always, God is present, waiting simply for me to recognize and acknowledge in my mind what my heart is certain of and has always known - God's amazing presence.

The blue sky is like a divine smile caressing my Spirit and connecting, or re-connecting, me to my Creator. The rustle of the leaves is the chuckle of Yahweh, realizing my surprise to discover the Holy Presence around me.The bird chirps and I hear, "Don't you understand my child? I am always here, waiting only for you to call me, to notice me, to acknowledge me."

A doe slips out of the trees and moves across the corner of the yard to disappear into the woods on the other side. I wonder how long she stood there, blending into the woods, the trees, the brush. How long did she stand there unnoticed, visible if I had only taken the time to look. I wonder how many times my casual glance passed across her and didn't see. How long did her presence go unnoticed - God standing in the woods, waiting, waiting....

1 comment:

  1. Al, this is beautifully written. How often do we miss God, even when we are looking? Good to see you in Nashville.
    Dan Webster
